앙금플라워 딸기꽃 & 딸기찹쌀떡 strawberry flower piping & Strawberry mochi

by bloomingdays꽃피는하루

앙금플라워 딸기꽃 & 딸기찹쌀떡 strawberry flower piping  & Strawberry mochi


strawberrymochi 전자렌지찹쌀떡 Microwavecooking딸기찹쌀떡 만들기 재료 ingredient 건식찹쌀가루 300g glutinous rice flour 설탕30g sugar 소금 3g salt 뜨거운물 300ml hot water 전분 starch딸기 10개 strawberry 앙금 400g red bean paste How to make white bean paste cream 앙금크림 레시피 How to make buttercream 버터크림레시피 Coloring 조색 참고 영상




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