10 Amazing Resin Accessories D...
★Recipe★ DIY Cute DIY Flower Earring with Resin えっ?これレジンでできてるの?手作りとは思えないフラワーピアス https://youtu.be/meigXr_kPg8
I got my hands on a Levi BJD I felt it was the perfect timing since season 4 is the last season What I really loved about this guy was how detailed Levi s ODM gear is The weathering is perfect and the blades click into the handle really well What I am sad about would be their eyes and the face up the face up was quite light in color and not enough depth to it I probably will redo his face up later O Let me know in the comments who is your favorite AOT character As you can see mine is Levi Also just a heads up Ringdoll s Levi BJD was a limited item not sure if they are still selling him ________________________________________________________________ You can check out Ringdoll s official website at I also started crafting and created some BJD eyes that I m selling _________________________________________________________________ Music Credit Asher Fulero AssemblingWayne Jones White HatsSYBS Apocalypse Instagram ________________________________________________________________
★Recipe★ DIY Cute DIY Flower Earring with Resin えっ?これレジンでできてるの?手作りとは思えないフラワーピアス https://youtu.be/meigXr_kPg8
猫用のこたつ布団があまりにも汚くなってきたので手作りで新調してみました^^ 秀吉たちの妨害にも屈せず、完成させたお母さんです(笑)
ああ、美味しすぎる! アーモンドたっぷりの洋梨ケーキ| Amazing!!! Almond & Asain pear Cake
はるあんのおいしい料理動画へようこそ♪ 憧れのストウブでクラムチャウダーを作りました!
①狭いところも自由自在!トイレットペーパーの芯で掃除機レベルアップ! ②トイレットペーパーの芯でオシャレに収納! ③自作のクラッカーで盛り上げよう!安全で楽しいサプライズグッズ
Welcome to this week's episode of The Makeup Breakup! Today we are putting 5 Glitter Glue & Glitter Adhesive products to the test,...
HEY EVERYONE! It's 2017 and everyone is using the craziest items to blend out their foundation! I even tried using a condom to ble...
Hey guys! In this tutorial I'll show you how to use holographic pigment powder overtop of regular nail polish and keep the awesome...
HI SISTERS! In today's video, I decided to do a Starbucks Pink Drink inspired makeup look! Enjoy this chat chat get ready with me ...
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