Timo the Cat at the Koi pond, forever friends

by Xiedubbel

Timo the Cat at the Koi pond, forever friends


Timo is still visiting his fishy friends almost every day Kidney disease is such a rollercoaster One moment he s feeling pretty good and a couple of hours later he s lethargic and not feeling well tired nauseous This morning he was eating by himself went outside to greet his fishies and chattered when he saw some birds We cherish every minute love him so much Frequent updates on his Instagram account



猫とインコがいるリビングは遊び場いっぱい!Living ro...

  • by まる団Marudan 499

我が家のリビングの紹介です。 人間より、ペット仕様になってます。 マンチカンのまるちゃんは、大人しく、あまり遊ばない静かな猫なので、オモチャは少ないです。 以前はキャットタワーも置いていたのですが、全くのぼってくれませんでした(;^ω^)