Cactus COOKIE Cake - Fun Piping Flowers

by Cake Style

Cactus COOKIE Cake - Fun Piping Flowers


Cookie Cakes are everywhere right now and this cactus version was so fun to make Follow UsWEBSITEFACEBOOKTWITTERINSTAGRAMPINTERESTERROR in video ingredients It s actually 1 1 2 tsp baking powder Materials Buttercream 900g Dark Green half Americolor Avocado Green and half Americolor Leaf Green with a Wilton 4B piping tip 250g Light Green as above just less colour with a 21 tip 75g Natural with a 16 tip 75g Yellow half Americolor Lemon Yellow and half Egg Yellow with a large grass tip 75g Pink Sugarflair Pink with a 125 or 406 tip 75g Orange Americolor Orange with a 125 or 406 tip 75g Purple Americolor Electric Purple with a 125 or 406 tip 7 Piping bags 1 2 cup brown sugar 1 2 Packet plain cookies Parchment squares Flower nail



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