pocket doodler tutorial: super easy!

by creationsceecee

pocket doodler tutorial: super easy!


email catherine creationsceecee com for inquiries about original artwork for sale watercolor doodle tutorial pocketdoodler ONLINE CLASSES AVAILABLE WHERE I GET MY BRUSHES affiliate link my specific brush recommendations at www thebrushguys com FOLLOW ME MUSIC IN THIS VIDEO Scootaloo and Zero by Jobii Pandemonium Tribute Version by MOndays featuring Hanna Stone



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ひまわりの猫砂拡散防止用に買った、アイリスオーヤマ製のシステムトイレを開封したときの様子です^^ ひのきたちはそれぞれかわいい入り方をしますが、秀吉だけトイレの正しいは使い方を教えてくれました♬