Makeover: A Charming Home That Exudes Warmth & Character

by House & Home

Makeover: A Charming Home That Exudes Warmth & Character


H H s Joel Bray tours Meg Crossley s delightful Toronto house which she transformed from dull and dated to bright and cozy Statement lighting antiques a boldly painted door and fresh panelling are just a few of the ways that she injected personality into the house Plus her well insulated country chic basement boasts a fireplace and plenty of texture and warm woods As you tour the space you ll also discover ways to boost the energy efficiency of your own home save on your energy bill and get 1 600 back for efficiency upgrades from having a home energy audit done to sealing cracks and drafts to installing a high efficiency furnace or upgrading your windows Presented by Enbridge MORE DESIGN INSPIRATION CONNECT WITH HOUSE HOME




  • by Tasty Japan 991

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