Junihitoe Kimono - The Dressing Process

by Spark True Living

Junihitoe Kimono - The Dressing Process


The Junihitoe is a 12 Layered ceremonial kimono from the Heian era It is very heavy and SUPER expensive One Japanese person told me that each layer can cost up to about 10K so 12 layers adds up fast This type of kimono used to be worn by noble women high class society and royalty in the Heian era for special occasions It is rare for them to be used anymore but occasionally they are still worn for special occasions by people of noble blood or the ruling class If you d like to see what it s like to walk in one check out the video of us exiting the stage after modeling at a culture event I am so privileged to be able to wear one once I feel so honored The occasion for this honor is that they needed volunteers to model these kimonos for the J Culture Fest being held in Tokyo I jumped at the opportunity Not many Japanese people get to wear these kimonos much less foreigners like me I have heard that the experience is so rare that there is a business in Kyoto that charges upwards of about 2 000 just to have the experience of wearing one for a while and getting some professional photos taken with it I m thrilled that I didn t have to pay that much I am not sure that this opportunity will ever come again so I will treasure this experience



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