Hand embroidery silk shading (Long and Short stitch) - Pansy Part 2 - watch Part 1 first.

by Sarah Homfray Embroidery

Hand embroidery silk shading  (Long and Short stitch) - Pansy Part 2 - watch Part 1 first.


Watch as Sarah continues to silk shade this delightful pansy using long short stitch This is Part 2 of a 2 part stitch project Please watch part 1 first for full details on how to stitch silk shading Designed and stitched by Sarah Homfray a graduate of The Royal School of Needlework 3 year apprenticeship The rest of the pansy stitched at high speed The Pansy featured in this video tutorial is available as a hand embroidery kit here EmbroideryEmbroidery designsHand embroideryEmbroidery stitchesEmbroidery by hand stitchesBlackworkHand embroidery for beginnersHand embroidery designsHand embroidery tutorialEmbroidery stitches tutorialHand Embroidery stitchesEmbroidery by handEmbroidery by hand stitchesEmbroidery by hand tutorialEmbroidery by hand designsHow to hand embroider



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