Adventure Time with BMO!

by Adventures of Roku

Adventure Time with BMO!


I have been hitting the gym alot more since starting my new business the stress and pressure has taken a toll health wise So i ve decided rather then driving to BMO s flight spots I would hike there instead It s a nice hike and majority through rainforest so it s perfect BMO knows the travel pack means outdoor playtime he is not distressed or unhappy in it He was chatting a lot throughout He also climbs into the porthole to see out however the bag is quite deep and has a perch inside For those who thinks he looks cramped its purely because he has climbed up into the porthole Remember these fit a full grown cat comfortably BMO is losing alot of his feathers at the moment and i think as a result he is a little more sensitive and less confident For those that do not know due to not reading video descriptions i have moved far away from many of the free fliers so now im alone in the mountains will still try and get more play dates happening Roku Korra are on 2 3 eggs at the moment however im guessing they are infertile due to Korra s age but hoping to be proven wrong If so a new avatar will be born You can see at the end of the video bmo going through his nightly jibberish Its where he practices his words in the bathroom i have to hide otherwise he falls silent when he sees the camera If you have not yet seen them its worth checking out all the hidden video camera vids on this channel with roku korra and pabu hahaOh and pabu is a hormonal humpy dumpy atm




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