How to Center a Hunk of Clay

by KaransPotsAndGlass

How to Center a Hunk of Clay


This video shows the basics of western centering with a counter clockwise rotation of the wheel and the left hand on the side and the right hand locked on top Remember to keep hands connected in some way when centering This video is for my students in Ceramics I II and III Wheel Throwing at William Mason High School in Mason Ohio as well as anyone in the general public that just wants to learn a bit more about working with clay If you want more specific information on the rest of the beginning stages of dropping opening and pulling it up check out some of my other videos I also have specific videos on throwing various forms I started my Youtube channel a few years ago to make videos to help my students if they are absent and miss a demo or if they would like to explore more advanced techniques independently I have been amazed to reach such a wider audience than my own students Please subscribe to my channel if you would like to receive channel updates or would like to learn more about clay and studio processes



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