12 Course WAGYU BEEF MEAL at Spago Restaurant in Beverly Hills, California!

by Mark Wiens

12 Course WAGYU BEEF MEAL at Spago Restaurant in Beverly Hills, California!


When I was in LA I had a special opportunity to eat with Jeffrey and Austin at a special event by Wagyu Mafia at Spago Restaurant in Beverly Hills But before we went to the event to eat a 12 course wagyu Japanese beef meal we first stopped off at chi SPACCA an Italian restaurant to have their cheesy focaccia It was cooked right in front of us and it was so fresh and incredibly good The golden cooked dough and the cheese in the center made it fantastic Spago We continued on to Spago to attend the Wagyu Mafia event I had an opportunity to go back into the kitchen to see the chefs preparing the meal and get a few samples directly from the chefs The mini wagyu beef sliders were incredible but the ice cream cone raw wagyu tartare was the winner Here are all the Wagyu Mafia beef courses we had for our meal at Spago Wagyu jerkyWagyu tartareWagyu slidersWagyu nigiriWhipped wagyu tallowTofu beef ma po chili oilWagyu gyozaWagyu carpaccioWagyu Mafia katsu sandoWagyu sukiyakiGrilled wagyu steakWagyu keema curryBeef fat briocheDuring the meal we also got to sample one of the signature dishes of Spago the smoked salmon pizza the pizza that started the California pizza movement It was delicious Thank you for watching this LA food video CAMERA GEAR I used to make this video these are affiliate links I would love to connect with you



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