
by Hello Catie



影片中提到的東西Products I mentioned 金博家蔥蔥回魂湯麵Costco好市多辣味醃醋蘿蔔貝親Pigeon 精油防蚊貼片 台灣有賣 PITTA MASK高密合可水洗口罩UniqloHEATTECH EXTRA WARMUniqloHEATTECH 緊身褲VoluspaLARGE EMBOSSED GLASS JAR CANDLEPanjore LycheeVlouspaLARGE EMBOSSED GLASS JAR CANDLEFrench Cade LavenderJo MaloneEnglish Pear Freesia Home Candle More Catie For business inquiries byumoe88 gmail com business only Hope you enjoy this video XO Catie FAQ What camera do you use使用的相機 Canon 80DWhat s your skin type我的膚質 Normal to dry中性 眼下偏乾 DISCLAIMER This is NOT a sponsored video Some of the links are affiliated 這 不是 合作影片 說明欄裡包含分潤連結



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