
by mirainista



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自宅警備とパパの相手で忙しい柴犬と黒猫 Cat and Do...

  • by Momo and Tenももと天 786

天「パパの護衛ご苦労さん。調子はどう?」 もも「パパって遊び好きだから急にスイッチが入ると大変」 天「ももだって遊び好きだからちょうどいいじゃん」 もも「ももはしょうがなく相手してあげてるんだよ。ママに早くパパを寝かせてねって言われてるのにさ」 天「そんな時は...

Crunchy Donuts ( Inspired by M...

  • by MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ 710

We made donuts inspired by Mister Donut's Golden Chocolate Donuts since we cannot get enough of the crunchy texture. It is not as...

Binging with Babish: Ziti and ...

  • by Binging with Babish 887

Rarely does food play such a central character in a TV show or movie that's not specifically about food, but in The Sopranos, it m...