白い人工イクラでスノードーム ゼリー Snow Dome Jelly with White Popping Boba

by MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ

白い人工イクラでスノードーム ゼリー Snow Dome Jelly with White Popping Boba


レシピ 透明ゼリーを作ります1 砂糖 60g 水 500ml 粉寒天 4gを軽く混ぜ合わせ 火にかける 2 時々混ぜながら砂糖と粉寒天を溶かす 1分程 沸騰させる 3 40度くらいまで冷ます 4 白い人工イクラさんを入れ混ぜる 人工イクラさんの量は少ないかも程度が良い 5 型にゼリー液を流し入れる 6 冷蔵庫で冷やし固める 青いゼリーを作ります7 水 95g ブルーハワイシロップ 30g 粉寒天 1gを軽く混ぜ合わせ 火にかける 8 時々混ぜながら粉寒天を溶かす 1分程 沸騰させる 9 50度くらいまで冷ましておく 10 6を冷蔵庫から取り出し 竹串などで表面に傷をつける こうすることで2色のゼリーが剥がれにくくなる 11 10に9をそっと注ぐ 12 冷蔵庫で冷やし固める 13 そっと取り出す 宇宙的でもあるな Previously we made a snow dome gelatin with spherical white gelatin made from a food science kit The results were beautiful Recipe Make the clear gelatin 1 Lightly mix together 60 g of sugar 500 ml of water and 4 g of powdered agar and turn on the heat 2 While mixing from time to time allow the sugar and powdered agar to dissolve For about 1 minute let it boil 3 Let it cool after it reaches 40 degrees Celsius 4 Mix in the boba For the boba amount less is better 5 Pour the gelatin liquid into a mold 6 Let it chill and firm up in the refrigerator Make the blue gelatin 7 Lightly mix together 95 g of water 30 g of blue syrup and 1 g of powdered agar and turn on the heat 8 While mixing from time to time allow the powdered agar to dissolve For about 1 minute let it boil 9 Leave it to cool after it reaches 50 degrees Celsius 10 Take 6 out of the refrigerator scratch the surface with something like bamboo skewers By doing this it becomes difficult for the second gelatin to come unstuck from 11 Pour 9 into 10 gently 12 Let it chill and firm up in the refrigerator 13 Carefully take it out It can also be cosmic



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