愛心漸層皂DIY - gradient/omber handmade soap with hearts embedded- 手工皂

by Oh我的雙牛寶貝兒/Yvonne

愛心漸層皂DIY - gradient/omber handmade soap with hearts embedded- 手工皂


這是為了拍影片重作的一鍋皂 前款因為相機出了點問題沒拍到最重要的入模片段 本來想偷懶只分享照片就好 偏偏一堆人敲碗想看影片 就再來一次囉 前幾天網購材料時看到這個愛心的矽膠模很便宜 雖然沒有管模好用 但才1 5的價格也沒什麼好要求的 成品效果其實也不賴 This is my second batch of this design There was something wrong with my camera and I lost the most important part of pouring in mold of last batch I found this small silicon mold of heart when I was online shopping It s a chocolate mold and it works well in soap 聯絡信箱 E mail liao yvonne gmail com



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