We had to take Lark to the Emergency Room..

by Joey Graceffa

We had to take Lark to the Emergency Room..


Lark has an emergency we had to take her to the vet STARRING Puppies



16 Summer Nail Design 夏ネイルデザ...

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1. ロックソルトで作る!レインボーかき氷ネイル 2. 今期トレンド!大人気♡人魚の鱗ネイル 3. 青春を燃やせ!!ピンクファイヤーネイル 4. 何味が好き? 超リアルなアイスクリームネイル 5. 透明感が涼しげ!ラグーンネイル 6. ゆめかわ風♡セルフでキラ...

Hel goddess of the underworld ...

  • by Heather Moorhouse 718

Here she is, the Norse goddess of death and the underworld. Hel is described as "half black (or sometimes blue) and half flesh-col...