Vietnam street food - White Goat Cooked Whole for Dinner - Street Food in Vietnam

by Raw Street Capture 101

Vietnam street food - White Goat Cooked Whole for Dinner - Street Food in Vietnam


Most of the time Vietnam street food is cheap But it is not the case this time It costs me around 10 to order a goat dish during my street food journey in Vietnam It is totally worth it actually I ordered two dishes and paid totally around 30 for the whole eat The goat meat is a bit smelly hard to eat the first time but the meat texture is juicy and tender The more I eat the more I love the goat street food in Vietnam The cool thing was that I had a chance to see the full process of a white goat cooked whole for dinner in Vietnam Among many dishes available from goat in Vietnam I like the BBQ grilled goat the most The goat hotpot is ok I do not like it in summer but love eating it in the cold winter in Vietnam Subscribe for new episode of Vietnamese street food every week



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