street food japan - TAKOYAKI たこ焼き

by Siglex

street food japan - TAKOYAKI  たこ焼き


Takoyaki or Octopus Balls is one of Japan s best known street food originated in Osaka Takoyaki is very popular Japanese street food hot snack shaped like a golf ball that has crispy coating around the outside and soft filling inside made of wheat flour diced octopus and ginger Because of the octopus filling foreigners like to refer takoyaki as octopus balls たこ焼きTakoyaki たこ焼き or 蛸焼 is a ball shaped Japanese snack made of a wheat flour based batter and cooked in a special molded pan It is typically filled with minced or diced octopus tako tempura scraps tenkasu pickled ginger and green onion Takoyaki are brushed with takoyaki sauce similar to Worcestershire sauce and mayonnaise and then sprinkled with green laver aonori and shavings of dried bonito There are many variations to the takoyaki recipe for example ponzu soy sauce with dashi and citrus vinegar goma dare sesame and vinegar sauce or vinegared dashi たこ焼きtakoyakiYaki is derived from yaku 焼く which is one of the cooking methods in Japanese cuisine meaning to fry or grill and can be found in the names of other Japanese cuisine items such as okonomiyaki and ikayaki other famous Osakan dishes たこ焼き



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라라와 모모가 드디어..♡

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오늘은 디디와 코코가 목욕을 했어요. 디디와 코코는 정말 어른 고양이가 되었는지 점잖게 목욕을 마칠 수 있었어요. 그런데 목욕 중에 모모와 라라에게 놀라운 일이 생겼어요! 정말 라라가 모모의 마음을 받아주는 걸까요?