Rabbit eating crunchy celery! ASMR

by OneMorePlease

Rabbit eating crunchy celery! ASMR


A tiny pet bunny rabbit eats celery The rabbit loves eating fresh fruits and vegetables and crunchy celery is one of the rabbit s favorite foods to eat especially for a rabbit eating ASMR video Can rabbits eat celery Yes they totally can Is celery safe for rabbits to eat Yes it is Like all foods though except the rabbit s beloved hay moderation is key When eating celery the rabbit makes lots of rabbit crunching sounds then lots of rabbit squeaking sounds Perfect for ASMR sounds The crunching especially If you d like to hear something juicy the rabbit was also recently featured eating a berry If you want to hear more juicy and squishy sounds the rabbit also recently ate a peach We think celery is one of the rabbit s favorite foods The celery has a solid consistency which the rabbit likes but then it has the added benefit of being very juicy and watery which the rabbit loves to drink up as well The rabbit loves drinking juice hence he adores fruits and vegetables that leave juice they re one of his favorite things in life We labeled the rabbit video ASMR in case some viewers would enjoy the eating sounds the rabbit makes we certainly think the rabbit s chewing could be considered relaxing What is ASMR ASMR stands for autonomous sensory meridian response and is used to describe an experience characterized by a static like or tingling sensation on the skin that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine In short it that feeling of getting the chills Maybe the rabbit eating the celery will trigger you to feel it who knows Or maybe the rabbit will just put you right to sleep Or maybe you just wonder what a bunny rabbit eating looks like Whatever the reason thanks for stopping by We also think this qualifies as mukbang is where a host eats on camera and interacts with viewers The rabbit is the host and he s eating with you Grab some celery and start eating with the rabbit Thanks for checking out Pipkin and our rabbit channel We hope you think this is the cutest rabbit video ever because he really enjoyed making this ASMR video If you d like to see more cute rabbit videos please watch some of our other work Other stuff we re doing Instagram one more pleasePlease let us know if you have any feedback or suggestions Thank you D rabbits cute rabbitasmr bunnies



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