Pasta Grannies talks top quality dried pasta with Pasta Mancini

by Pasta Grannies

Pasta Grannies talks top quality dried pasta with Pasta Mancini


Pasta Mancini is one of Italy s top dried pasta brands and here Lorenzo Settimi explains what to look for in good quality pasta He made a fantastic duck ragu to go with his trufoli The duck was properly free range his tomato passata homemade and so on If you want to make it yourself 1 free range duck jointed into 8 portions Keep the meat on the bone Fry these in a little olive oil and put to one side Saute one onion carrot and celery stick all finely diced in the fat until soft Return the duck pieces deglaze with a glass of dry aromatic white wine not red add rosemary marjoram and a bayleaf plus a litre of tomato passata Season with a good teaspoon of salt Cover and simmer very slowly until the meat pulls very easily from the bone the length of time will depend on the robustness of your duck but think 2 hours minimum Serve with trufoli pappardelle rigatoni big pasta shapes which can handle the ragu



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