Panduro Party

by Panduro Webtube

Panduro Party


Now you can have your own party at Panduro Craft and create with friends to celebrate birthdays or other festivities Choose from different party themes all include 4 to 5 DIYs with instructor and a birthday gift Contact your local Panduro store to book your party www panduro com



STUDIO VLOG 011| Making Kiss C...

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Hello guys and welcome to another studio vlog! In todays vlog I have some exciting news! I have rented another extra mini studio/o...


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コイちゃん・・・いつもはカルちゃんの後をくっつく弟分なのですが、好みのオモチャを前にすると性格が豹変します。 この時は初めてのオモチャを前に興奮気味だったのか、カルちゃんや私に威嚇しまくりでした。 特定のオモチャさえ絡まなければ、むしろビビリで大人しい子なんで...