Nestum Cereal Cookies - Eggless Cookies 麦片酥饼

by Kathrine Kwa

Nestum Cereal Cookies - Eggless Cookies 麦片酥饼


Ingredients 150g 2 3 cup butter 牛油 50g 1 3 cup icing sugar 糖粉 125g 1 cup plain flour 普通面粉 60g 1 2 cup corn flour corn starch 玉米粉 35g 1 2cup nestum cereal 麦片 1 tsp baking powder 发粉 Bake in a preheated oven at 170 C for 12 15 minuets 放入预热烤箱以170 C烤12 15分钟




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