MoYou London Tutorial ◆ Marble Nails ◆

by MoYou London

MoYou London Tutorial ◆ Marble Nails ◆


Get ready to be super sleek this summer with marble cacti and some nail stamping Find all you need to get this Nail art here 2 Nail polishes we used 5 Matte Top Coat7 Dotting ToolHow to 1 Apply Snowflake as a base colour for all your nails 2 Use plate Explorer 33 and find one of the marble designs 3 Apply Silver Fox onto the design and scrape lightly 4 Using you stamper to pick up the design and apply it to one of your fingernails 5 Repeat the previous steps for the rest of your nails 6 For a better finish apply matte top coat now and let it dry 7 Use the Explorer 33 plate again and select the other marble design this time 8 Apply Ginger Rust polish scrape and pick up the design in a rolling motion 9 Stamp the golden design on top of the previous one creating an elegant and more realistic marble effect 10 Repeat these steps for all your nails but the ring finger one 11 With the same plate apply Black Knight to the cactus design 12 Scrape lightly better in a 45º angle and pick it up with your stamper 13 Colour in the design with Ginger Rust and Cheeky Cactus 14 Once you are done and the design is touch dry stamp it over your ring fingernail if you have trouble stamping it you can apply the matte top coat just before this step and not let it dry completely so it is easier to stick 15 You are done Perfectly elegant for the summer days You can also follow us for more nail art updates on



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