ICE CREAM ROLLS | Green Tea Matcha Popcorn Ice Cream VS. Mochi Matcha Cake Ice Cream

by UFoody

ICE CREAM ROLLS | Green Tea Matcha Popcorn Ice Cream VS. Mochi Matcha Cake Ice Cream


ICE CREAM ROLLS Green Tea Matcha Popcorn Ice Cream VS Mochi Matcha Cake Ice Cream None of these images music video clips were created owned by us This video is purely fan made if you owners want to remove this video please contact me through email buituan24794 gmail com or the YouTube private messaging system We will respectfully remove it



內行人才知道的DIOR好物! ♥ Nancy

  • by Ksnancy 1713

身為DIOR鐵粉的我,今天要來跟大家分享幾個內行人才知道的好東西~這幾樣都是我很愛用的!有些是沒有特別廣告就賣翻天的好物!還要搶先跟大家分享1/1才上市的精萃再生花蜜氣墊粉餅喔 第一次用到那麼頂級的氣墊~真心愛死它了~❤️❤️