How To Make A Thistles And Roses Hand-Tied Bouquet

by Flower Joos

How To Make A Thistles And Roses Hand-Tied Bouquet


How to make an aqua packed hand tied bouquet featuring thistles and roses and mixed foliage Ingredients 12 x orange roses 3 stems eryngium mixed foliage including leatherleaf eucalyptus hard ruskus asparagus fern coccuylus The hand tied bouquet is a popular item and it can look so different from one to another Why Well it comes down to what you choose to use as the flowers In this design we are keeping it simple both in colour choice and flowers The orange roses are a great front flower and the thistles help create a great structure for the bouquet as well as that zingy colour scheme We finish with wrapping and aqua packing the bouquet all we need is a card and a message Enjoy Buy your Oasis Products including wires foams scissors etc here The camera body we use The camera we use with lens The lens we use The other lens we use The led lamp we use The other led lamp we use Memory Card for the camera There s a lot more to come E mail flowerjoos gmail com



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