Houseplant Rescue Mission (with tour, repotting, and propagation)

by onlyplants

Houseplant Rescue Mission (with tour, repotting, and propagation)


Come with me on a mission to rescue my problematic plants that need rescuing I will explain the problems such as pests sunlight watering or soil faced and show you how I fix them I ended up repotting and propagating these plants spoiler alert Philodendron Brandtianum Monstera Adansonii Variegata Stromanthe Triostar included As usual I insert lots of useful plant care tips throughout the video that can be applied to most houseplants and I made sure to include plant IDs so you can discover new species to add to your wishlist My instagram bo tan istJazz background music made by Rhythm Alley



カワウソ コタロー 歌う鳥が怖くて大泣きしてしまう Kot...

  • by KOTSUMET 1243


船井時尚按摩機開箱 ♥ Nancy

  • by Ksnancy 1652

沒看過那麼小的按摩機吧!!! 身為重度3C使用者+低頭族的我 真的無時無刻都處於肩頸痠痛的狀態。 船井生醫寄這個隨身按摩器給我試用,真的有捶打揉捏的感覺!太舒服了! 每天痠痛的時候就用個15分鐘,真的有舒壓放鬆的感覺~ 快來看一下開箱影片❤️ 預購網址:htt...