FELT FLOWER cut by Free Hand (using only SCISSORS)

by fLOhRA Design

FELT FLOWER cut by Free Hand (using only SCISSORS)


You might think you NEED to have a Die Cutting machine to cut out shapes for your felt flowers and while die cutting machines are VERY nice to have on hand they are NOT necessary when creating beautiful felt flowers This tutorial is proof of that Grab yourself some felt your favorite pair of scissors your glue gun and let s get started MY WEBSITE www flohradesign com for more educational content Here are the scissors I used these are also my number one favorite pair of scissors Here are the shears I used for the tiny snips Here is the glue gun I used also my absolute favorite gun to use Here are some fantastic retail shops where you can buy the same felt I use Wool Blend Felt mix of Rayon and 100 wool 100 Pure Wool Felt DISCLAIMER This video and description contain affiliate links which means that if you click on one of the product links I ll receive a small commission This helps support the channel and allows me to continue to make videos like this Thank you for your support



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