Easy epoxy resin beach art, using real sand!

by Sue Findlay

Easy epoxy resin beach art, using real sand!


In this video I show you how super easy it is to create an Epoxy Resin Beach complete with real sand and shells I will show you how you too can achieve the white surf The inspiration for these two beach pieces came from sitting on the beach with my family I wanted to give them a little something to remind them of their trip from the UK to Australia By using real Western Australian sand not only do they have something to remind them of their trip they have a bit of Australia in their home Firstly I painted the board white to give it a good clean surface to help the colours stand out Once dry I waited a few days I began by mixing the sand with a touch of resin Making sure I had covered the sand with enough resin I then poured it directly on to the board and using a stick I spread it about to cover the bottom portion of the board Next I mixed enough resin for two boards I had two on the go and separated it into three cups and added colour pigments Jade Teal and Sapphire Blue into each of the cups Starting with the lightest colour I poured the resin on to the boards then gently blended them with my fingers to give a ripple effect Once both boards were covered I then mixed a smaller batch of clear resin and placed a small amount into a separate cup and mixed it with a touch of white pigment paste Following the shape of the waves I first poured the clear resin in lines being careful not to overdo the clear resin and immediately added a touch of white resin for the foam Using my heat gun on the high setting I then blew the resin to disperse it and let it settle to form the wispy waves By using clear resin first it prevents the white from mixing with the blue layers and keeps it apart It also allows the sand to show through for a nice effect Finally a selection of shells was added for a bit of interest For this project I used the following items Placemat from Kmart Australia Sand for the shores of Western AustraliaResin from U ResinColour Obsession Pigment TealArtisue Pigment JadeArtisue Pigment SapphireShellsBooksThe Essential Beginner s Guide to Resin Art Techniques Sales from this guide also go towards funding my YouTube resin tutorials Thank you for your support Note As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases I realise that not everyone has access to the shops I have locally so I have taken the time to find alternative products on Amazon and provide you with links Please also note I haven t personally tried all of the product links due to location however my aim is to help speed up your creative process by providing these links Every time you click on a link and purchase a qualifying item I receive a small commission this payment helps to keep my tutorials free for you to watch Handy Links I hope this video has sparked your creativity and has inspired you to create your own Epoxy Resin Beach Art complete with real sand




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