DRY & STRAIGHT HAIR in 15 minutes! - All hair types!

by ClaCali

DRY & STRAIGHT HAIR in 15 minutes! - All hair types!


BOTH Tools can be found here Use my code to get a big 50 OFF calistyle Check out this straightener that will dry and straighten your hair in minutes out of the shower This Tame by Vanity Planet is an awesome tool to have specially if you are always on the go Check out the tutorial and the products in the video Much LOve Clarizz




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ダイソーの毛糸ポンポンでふかふかのX'masリースを作りました。 簡単であっという間に出来上がります。 ======================================= 皆さんいつも温かいコメントを有難うございます。 皆様の温かいお気持ちとても嬉...