Dogs Get So Excited When Dad Comes Home! (Cutest Fluffy Hugs Ever!)

by Life with Malamutes

Dogs Get So Excited When Dad Comes Home! (Cutest Fluffy Hugs Ever!)


Both Phil and Niko know the routine Niko loves cuddles and Phil wants the drumming pat Here we have a small montage of old footage showing how excited they get when you come home Usually they hear Shane s motorbike and that sets them off howling until he comes in There is a clip that shows Shane having only just been to the shop gone 5 mins and they act just the same Man s best friend in a big fluffy package Niko get s jealous when it is Phil s turn to be lifted as she is a Daddy s girl through and through Sorry some of the footage is old and from having to record vertically for instagram stories Like comment subscribe and share We ll be posting regularly during our lockdown



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