DIY Tutorial A hair comb with silk flowers, handmade headpiece PROMO


DIY Tutorial A hair comb with silk flowers, handmade  headpiece PROMO


A detailed author s tutorial is dedicated to creating a hair comb with silk flowers This gentle comb is made with a lot of details and elements It combines several techniques and will undoubtedly inspire you to create beautiful jewelry pieces The complexity of the tutorial is average it is designed for craftsmen with experience of weaving from jewelry wire During this tutorial you will learn how to create flowers from a fabric of different shapes and from what materials in the fastest and easiest way using a minimum of tools where to order all the necessary materials and tools for creating silk flowers how to weave voluminous wedding hair pieces with a lot of details and elements how to keep the clean and neat back side of the jewelry piece despite the quantity of twigs and elements Based on the information received you can easily create harmonious Jewelry pieces of different shapes and designs My tutorials are very popular in Russia and around the world Now you have the opportunity to watch them in English




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