DIY: CUSTOM SNEAKERS! (How To Paint Midsoles | No Cracking!)-By Orly Shani

by The DIY Designer

DIY: CUSTOM SNEAKERS! (How To Paint Midsoles | No Cracking!)-By Orly Shani


So excited to share this DIY with you all because you can grab an old pair of sneakers from your closet and make them one of a kind You can buy all other materials online right now and I linked everything below I call out some very specific instructions especially when it comes to painting the midsole so it won t ever peel or crach and you want to follow those instruction verbatim These materials will be enough to make quite a few sneakers so maybe do this project with a friend MATERIALSSneakersAngelus Acrylic Sealer ttps amzn to 344DltbHow to make your own custom sneakers these are a Balenciaga Triple S and Fila hack How To Paint the Midsole so It Will Never Crack



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