Designer Acrylic Nails With Massive Bling

by Liz's Acrylic Nails

Designer Acrylic Nails With Massive Bling




柴犬の愛情はここから始まった!猫が来て一年♪Shiba In...

  • by R5 リキリコとリリムータ 716

今日、キジトラ猫リリリムが我が家に来てちょうど一年目になります。もう一年のような、あっという間の1年のような♥ リリリムはリキリコの本当の家族になりました(#^^#) リリの甘えん坊も、リムのイタズラもリキリコはぜ~~んぶひっくるめて大好きです♥ 我が家に来た...

Golden Bronze Makeup Tutorial ...

  • by Shonagh Scott 1002

Hi, Beauties! I received the NARS Bronze Collection this week and asked if you guys wanted to see a tutorial, the answer was YES! ...

Aquarium Nails

  • by Nail Career Education 1964

Suzie demonstrates how you can create a detailed and beautiful 3D Aquarium Nail using Gel, Polish and Stamping Plates. Suzie has c...