Can Cheerios Wake a Sleepy Bean?

by Shadow The Rat

Can Cheerios Wake a Sleepy Bean?


So I m sure from most of my videos Bean seems like a crazy energetic rat who never sits still And while that s true for the most part she also has a very different aspect to her personality which emerges in the form of her napping behaviors All my rats nap during free range however most of them do it under my blanket or inside a house or inside the cage and most of them only have one large nap that lasts maybe 30 minutes to an hour Bean on the other hand never sleeps for that long with her naps averaging 2 5 minutes on average and she never goes anywhere specific to nap instead just flopping down wherever she is and immediately conking out I ve seen her fall asleep on my phone on her back while grooming on a water bottle on agility props not during training of course and pretty much anywhere imaginable I usually don t video these naps however today I thought I d try and test the limits of her sleep by covering her in one of her favorite foods cheerios And I have to say that I was pretty surprised to see just how out of it she was Anyways enjoy a cute sleepy Bean being woken up with some yummy cheerios Links Disclosure Esther and her channel Shadow The Rat is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon com



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