cafe vlog/카페사장 브이로그/with 카페알바/초코 딸기케이크 딸기타르트 만들기/흑임자크림 라떼/라떼아트

by 카페노예 jun

cafe vlog/카페사장 브이로그/with 카페알바/초코 딸기케이크 딸기타르트 만들기/흑임자크림 라떼/라떼아트


cafevlog 카페브이로그 브이로그카페위치 경기도 여주시 홍문동 183 6 굿심플 in koreaCafe Location 183 6 Good Simple Cafe in Hongmun dong Yeoju Gyeonggi do in koreainsta goodsimplecafe광고 협찬 a76089190 gmail com At My Front Door Dj QuadsDay Off Ikson



(Origami・copy paper)Christmas ...

  • by うさミミcraft 1024

(Origami・copy paper)Christmas decorations stars【DIY】(折り紙・コピー用紙)クリスマス飾り 星の作り方 壁飾りにしたり、クリスマスツリーに飾ったり、色々な場面で使えると思います。

BTS IDOL Nail Art Tutorial

  • by notyouraveragenails 2777

Remember when I used to get tutorials posted within a week of an MV being released? 😂🙈 Good times. Sorry there's been a bit of a w...

涼やかな金魚の和菓子♪夏のゼリー寄せ|How to make...

  • by ビデリシャス - おいしい動画 - 1159

夏にピッタリ!透き通った水の中を泳ぐ金魚の姿を、和菓子で表現しました。 可愛らしい金魚は練りきりで作り、アガーを使ってぷるぷるのゼリー寄せに。 透明感のある涼しげな見た目で、夏の風情を感じられるひんやりスイーツです☆

Japan Stationery Haul | What I...

  • by AmandaRachLee 738

when I was in Japan, of course I had to visit all the huge stationery stores! 🇯🇵I'm not even sure how I got all this back home to ...