Alaskan malamute meets new baby for the first time (cutest reactions)

by Life with Malamutes

Alaskan malamute meets new baby for the first time (cutest reactions)


To see Phil watch first 4 mins and then again at 7 50To see Niko skip to 4 10To see Milo 6 10Surprisingly Phil was the most interested initially with him pining throughout last night to come into the bedroom when baby was crying Milo is unsure and cautious still while Niko has gone straight into guarding mode to keep Phil away if he gets excited They ve only seen her for small amounts initially while we get baby used to her surroundings in her home and the pets need to get used to not being allowed in the bedroom at night We re also yet to decide her name so any suggestions to help are welcome



Celeste Wu 大沛 | Marc Jacobs 唇膏...

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