140 My succulents won in the annual competition!

by Cerriscapades

140 My succulents won in the annual competition!


LET S PLANT EP 140 My succulents won in the annual competition I joined this year s cactus and succulent competition in Melbourne I brought in 24 plants into the competition 6 of them came back with ribbons and I also got a medal for my little echeveria display Apart from the 6 that won I have 6 other plants that got disqualified because I misunderstood the rules Some classes had size restrictions which I thought applied to the plants themselves but I learned too late that they were referring to the size of the pots At least now I know for next time The show was a great experience overall and I am very excited for the next one Title and ending music Open Those Bright Eyes Kevin MacLeod incompetech com Licensed under Creative Commons By Attribution 3 0 LicenseI am on Patreon Plant Shop AU only Please check out my other accounts Awesome music thanks to EpidemicSoundSign up for an EpidemicSound subscription using my referral link to get a month free



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