Ive been on YouTube for 10 freakin years! Happy Anniversary!

by thefrugalcrafter Lindsay Weirich

Ive been on YouTube for 10 freakin years! Happy Anniversary!


Wow time flies On March 6th 2010 I uploaded my first YouTube video all because I was too lazy to keep typing out instructions on my blog and the rest is history We ve come a long way from the point and shoot camera that made me sound like I had a lisp well maybe not that far I m still in a cold basement having fun with art supplies thefrugalcrafter watercolor art Want more inspiration Here are some classes Credits Video production and Craft ideas Lindsay WeirichMusic Kevin MacLeod incompetech com Licensed under Creative Commons By Attribution 3 0For Sponsorships or Product Reviews email Lindsay at artstudiosofbangor yahoo comFollow along and have fun This post may contain affiliate links




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