
Hydrangea Acrylic Painting Tec...

  • by Jay Lee Painting 833

❖ JayLee is a specialized watercolor artist. Jay is showing how to paint flowers, nature and other techniques on the various tutor...

빠빠빨간맛♥ 핫 한 여름 RED 메이크업!

  • by 유깻잎 818

이번 여름엔 저의 퍼스널 컬러인 레드로 메이크업을 해보았어요! 저 날 따라 인조 속눈썹 붙이는게 을매나 힘들던지..하.. 진짜 부글부글 씅질나는거 참으면서 열심히 찍었어요!


  • by MAKO0MAKO0 / まこまこ 1563

急なご報告となり、失礼致します。昨日7月6日午後7時頃オセロが天国に旅立ちました。18歳で天寿を全うすることになりました。一年前から体力が落ち始め、闘病していたのですが、ここ数日で食事もあまり摂れない状況になり、6日午後に静かに息を引き取りました。  オセロは...

Rabbit opens YouTube Award! Si...

  • by OneMorePlease 1596

A bunny rabbit named Pipkin opens his YouTube Creator Award! The YouTube award unboxing happened after the rabbit got 100,000 subs...

3 No Cook Lunch Recipes | Easy...

  • by The Domestic Geek 987

Visit HEALTHY MEAL PLANS to start Meal Planning for FREE NOW: __________________________________...